We build an integrated understanding of company, consumer and market dynamics. We then evaluate commercial, operational and financial trade-offs to develop a clear strategy to achieve the company’s objectives.
We work with implementation teams to pilot the proposed strategy and create robust plans for an efficient roll out. We help clients embed this approach in their processes to sustain the improvements and benefits over time.
We map the level of variation that organisations have built over time into their products, services and operations. We identify the factors driving these variations, and understand the value they bring as well as the cost they generate.
We use this understanding to set a stretch case for simplification and define how close the organisation can feasibly get to that vision. We detail the opportunities identified and their potential benefit; and then, establish a clear action plan to achieve the proposed simplification.
We map the activities carried out by an organisation, their cost, and the products and customers that demand them. Based on this, we calculate net margins at customer and product level, and estimate the impact that changing prices, products, services, sales channels and ways of working could have on the P&L.
We use this knowledge, together with customer information, to re-design the commercial offer and improve the overall value it delivers to customers and the company.
We work across functions to map the existing commercial operation, understand the challenges commercial teams face and identify areas of improvement.
Based on that, we build standard, repeatable process and tools to increase their effectiveness with limited or no change to the services or products offered.